Research Director
Cooperative AI Foundation
DPhil Candidate
University of Oxford
Future of Humanity Institute
Centre for the Governance of AI

I am a DPhil candidate in computer science at the University of Oxford and co-director of the Cooperative AI Foundation. I am also affiliated with the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford and the Centre for the Governance of AI.

My research concerns safety and cooperation in multi-agent systems, motivated by the problem of ensuring that AI and other powerful technologies are developed and governed safely and democratically.

Before coming to Oxford I obtained a BSc in mathematics and philosophy from the University of Warwick and an MSc in artificial intelligence from the University of Edinburgh. My CV contains additional detail.

Research Keywords

game theory; machine learning; verification; A(G)I safety; causality; cooperative AI; (multi-agent) reinforcement learning; mechanism design; computational complexity; AI governance; computational social choice

Other Keywords

art; (democratic) socialism; history; (experimental) (electronic) music; printmaking; philosophy; effective altruism; futurism; reading; Scandinavia; (vegan) cooking; nature; clubbing; mathematics; film; feminism